Saturday, November 30, 2019

Vol I (to Page 182) And II I Lost Some Of The Second Volume - Sorry! A

Vol I (to page 182) and II I lost some of the second volume - Sorry! Abenaquis, a Mahican nation, 00; murder Mohawk chiefs, 000; English agree not to assist, 009; Abraham, or Schabash, a Mahican chief, made captain by Mahicans 89; assistant at Gnadenhutten, 89 Abrahamsen, Issac, rescues an Indian boy, 000 Ackhough, sachem of Weckquaesgeeks, 09 Adair, James, theory of, concerning origin of American Indians, 00 Adogbegnewalquo, a Mohawk chief, address of, 000 Aepjin, chief sachem of Mahicans, 08; party to treaty of 0000, 008; totemic signature of, 009; council fire at Schodac, 08; authorized to treat for Esopus Indians, 000 Agassiz, theory of, 00 Analysis of tribes and chieftaincies, 00 Andastes, war with the Iroquois, 00 Andros, Governor, offers lands to fugitive Indians, 000; invites Pennacooks to settle at Schaticook, 00 Andriaensen, Maryn, in command at massacre at Corlear's Hook, 000 Ann Hoock, alias Wampage, a chief of Siwanoys, 80 Ann Hutchinson, murder of, 000; daughter of, ret urned from captivity, 008 Albany, Fort Nassau erected at, 99; Fort Orange erected at, 99; Dutch make treaty with Mahicans and Iroquois at, 00; surrendered to the English, 008; English establish council fire at, 000 Algonquin language, 00 Algonquin nations, 00, 00 Allegewi, tradition concerning, 00 Alliances, how formed, 00 Alliance, nature of, between the Dutch and the Iroquois, 000; of Dutch with Long Island chieftaincies, 000; of English with Iroquois and Mahicans, 008 Appamanskoch, sachem of Raritans, 90 Aquackanonks, location of, 90 Armies, how composed, 00 Ashhurst, Sir John, buys lands of Waoranecks, 90 Assiapam, sachem of Matinecocks, 00 Assinapink creek, 90 Atkarkarton, Kingston so called, 000 Attention in sickness, 00 Beeren, or Mahican island, 80 Biographical Sketch of, Chambers, Captain Thomas, 008; Kryn, war-captain of Caghnawagas, 080 Bloom, Domine, description of Esopus massacre, 000 Bouwensen, Thomas, roasted and eaten by Mohawks, 000 Caghnawaga, Mohawk village of, 00 , 90; attacked by Mahicans, 90; destroyed by French, 90; Dutch embassadors visit, 000; converted by Jesuits, 009 Nation, or Praying Indians, 009 Calmet, theory of, 00 Canada, settlement of, commenced, 00 Canassatiego, an Iroquois viceroy, speech of, 09 Canopus, sachem of Nochpeems, 80 Captains, war chiefs so called,00 Captahem, sachem of Aquackanonks, 90 Carnarsees, location of, 00 Cartwright, Col.George, makes treaty with Iroquois, 008 Castles, mode of constructing, 00 Catholic Priests, labors of, 000, 008; law in relation to, 000 Cayugas, one of the Iroquois nations, 00; village of, 98 Chambers, Thomas, Capt. settles at Esopus, 000; biographical sketch of, 000 Champlain, discovers Lake Champlain, 00; aids the Hurons, 00; encourages conversion of Indians, 000 Chastity of females, 00 Chesekock tract, 80 Chegonoe, sachem of Rockaways, 00 Chekatabut, a Massachusetts Mahican chief, 00 Child birth, 00 Claverack, village of, 00; creek, name of, 00 Clinton, DeWitt, theory of, 00 Coginiqua nt, sachem of Nesaquakes, 00 Colden, Lieut.Gov., 00 Coleman, John, killed by the Indians, 9 Communipau, aboriginal name of, 90 Conarhanded, sachem of Weckquaesgeeks, 09 Conflict with Indians, at Stony Point, 00; at Shorackappock 00, 00 Corchaugs, location of, 00 Corlear's Hook, massacre of Indians at, 000, 008 Couwenhoven, negotiates with Esopus Indians, 000, 000 Cralo, Fort, at Greenbush, 009 Croton, traditionary sachem of Kitchawongs, 09 Croton, river, aboriginal name of, 09 Dans-Kammer, devil worship at, 09, 90; boundry line at the, 90; Couwenhoven at the, 000 Declarations of war, 00 Deeds, explanation of signatures to, 90 DeHart, Balthazar, purchases lands, 90 Denotas, or bags for measuring corn, 00 DeVries, David Pietersen, plantation of, on Staten Island, destroyed, 000; locates among the Tappans, 90; endeavors to prevent massacre of fugitive Indians, 000; plantation of, spared by Indians, 009; negotiates treaty of peace, 009; plantation destroyed, 000 Dobb's Ferry, aboriginal name of, 08 Dongan, Gov., purchases lands on the Hudson, 90, 90; endeavors to defeat the operations of the French, 009; gives medals to the Iroquois, 009; appeals to James II, to maintain alliance with Iroquois, 009; asks for Catholic priests, 009 Dress, of an Indian belle, 00; Hudson's description of, 8; Verazzano's description of, 09 Dwellings and mode of construction, 00 Du Bois, Mrs. Louis, captured by the Esopus Indians, 000; tradition concerning, 000 Dutch, neutrality of, in Indian wars, 00; treaty of, with Mahicans, etc. 00; send ambassadors to the Mohawks, 000;

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